Category: Meeting Minutes

A.P.P.L.E. User Group Meeting Minutes

A.P.P.L.E. Meeting Minutes

The March Meeting for the A.P.P.L.E. User Group Meeting was held online with the meeting being brought to order by Bill Martens. The initial items on the agenda were the releases of the February and March issues of Call-A.P.P.L.E. It was announced that both of these issues would be posted the first week of April due to the size of the files, and the problems working from a laptop creates. Announcements: The new peeking at Call-A.P.P.L.E. Magazine prints for 1978…

The Meeting Minutes

18 July 1978 Meeting began promptly at 7:16. We again introduced ourselves in Lynnwood OMEGA’s meeting room and found 41 members attending. Tom Geer, who is recovering from a broken leg, sent word that he orders his APPLE hardware directly from APPLE in California and dispelled any contrary rumors that had been circulating. We’ve got about 800 dollars in the treasury and most of it is committed to prior obligations. Ron and Darrell Aldrich have been busy working on a…

Meeting Minutes

A.P.P.L.E. Meeting Minutes

Date: 20 June 1978 Time: 7:07 pm The meeting got off to a flying start at 7:07 PM as we introduced ourselves. Our official membership now stands at about 64, with 31 present at this meeting. (And in the two weeks since the meeting, has increased to over 100!) Val reported that the new Call -A. P. P. L. E. “Hot Line” has been installed and that the number is 932 -6588. (Where have we heard that number before?) This…

Meeting Minutes

Date: 16 May 1978 Time: 7:25pm Plce: Unknow The meeting got off to a prompt atart at 7:25 (after the secretary arrived, ed.) and the minutes were approved as stated in the May issue of Call-A.P.P.L.E..  There were 24 members present. (Note the continuing increase). Val started the usual introductions around the room….and some names are now becoming familiar.  And then it was on to business. Val announced, that a tentative agrreement been reached with Softech, Inc., to sell memberships…

Meeting Minutes

18 April 1978 Meeting Time: 1905 Place: Omega Stereo in Bellevue The meeting was held at Omega Stereo in Bellevue. Val Golding called the meeting to order at 7:05 and led the introductions to the 22. members present. Mike Thyng read the March minutes, which were then approved. Val reported he had contacted a Sottech representative concerning club use of their software.  They appear to be willing to work with us on royalties, and we voted to ask Val to…

Meeting Minutes

A.P.P.L.E. Meeting Minutes

21 March 1978Time: 1905Place: Burien Empire Electronics The meeting was held at Empire Electronics in Burien. Val Golding called the meeting to order at 7:05 and led the introductions to the 17 members present. The treasurers report indicated a bank balance of $73. 50, of which 33.55 is earmarked for pre-planned expenditures.  Burt Webb reported on the 19″ color monitor s discussed at the previous meeting. They were made in Canada and designed for use in pubs and arcades. There…

Meeting Minutes

A.P.P.L.E. Meeting Minutes

February 1978 MeetingDate: 21 February 1978Time: 7pmLocation: Computerland Federal Way Minutes: We met at Computerland in Federal Way, and Val Golding called us to order at 7:05 PM. A motion was approved to call ourselves A P.P.L.E., standing for Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange. Val was unanimously elected president and Mike Thyng was elected Secretary. Other duties will be shared between them. Informality was stressed in the meeting, in order to best follow the purposes of the group: to exchange…