Apple IIgs Listener Updated

From Jermy Rand:

“I have updated the Listener beta builds.  Both the iOS/macOS and the GS side software have had updates.  For information about how to join the beta, links to the GS software and some video demos of the app, check out this page:

Among the fixes:

  • The NDA now actively closes the connection when its window is closed
  • The iOS app now notices if the NDA closes the connection
  • The NDA will try to send its window to the back if it is on top when it starts generating keystrokes.  This should improve the chances that the keystrokes go somewhere worthwhile
  • I have added some code to pace the rate at which keystrokes are generated.  Now, the NDA will not add a key down event if there is already a key down event to be processed in the queue.
  • All around improvements to network connection error handling.

I also tested with AppleWorks GS and found it does work, although slowly.  Perhaps the lack of pacing was overwhelming it before.  Or maybe I just messed up my testing and assumed that AWGS just didn’t work.  So, you can use Listener with AWGS and watch as it slowly processes each of the fake keystrokes.”

Author: A.P.P.L.E.
The A.P.P.L.E. Website is run by the Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange Users Group and is open to all Apple and Macintosh fans and their friends.