Tag: andy hertzfeld

The WOZPAK Special Edition – Don Williams Forward

The WOZPAK Special Edition, first released in 2013 in Softcover and Hardcover, has been upgraded with a forward by Don Williams and some additional information on the back cover. For those who purchased the original edition of the book, we’ve made Don Williams forward available as a high-quality PDF that can be printed and inserted in the book.  The press release follows: Originally produced in 1978 by Val Golding and Dick Hubert of A.P.P.L.E., The WOZPAK was the first official…

The Wozpak Special Edition Now 20% Off

The Wozpak Special Edition is now priced for the Christmas Holidays.  The 350 page book with the notes from Steve Wozniaks’s Apple-1 and Apple II notes was produced in coordination with Steve Woznaik by Brian Wiser and Bill Martens.  It includes a number of interesting items and introductions from the men who made the Apple II computer what it became. It is normally available for the list price of $49.95, but during the holidays, it is 20% off at just…

The WOZPAK Special Edition released by A.P.P.L.E.

Seattle, Washington – 23 July 2013 – Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange (A.P.P.L.E.) is proud to announce The WOZPAK Special Edition: Steve Wozniak’s Apple-1 & Apple II Computers.  This book has been a year long collaboration between Brian Wiser and Bill Martens and brings out the best quality and spirit of what The WOZPAK was and is. Originally produced in 1978 by Val Golding and Dick Hubert of A.P.P.L.E., this book was the first official technical resource for the Apple…

Apple /// in 10 EZ Lessons on YouTube

Datve Ottlani has posted his original Apple /// in 10 EZ lessons videos to You Tube.  The videos give a good overview of the Apple /// and its usage for those who have never touched an Apple /// Computer.  You can view the lessons from the links below or from Dave’s you tube channel Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Two other videos included in the…