Tag: david schmenk

What’s happening in the Apple II world

Quite a lot has happened since last time. Let’s take a look at what’s new in the world of Apple II! David Schmenk has made an Apple II card that will interface with the Raspberry Pi. It is called Apple II Pi. A new utility called Spyglass is an online disk image browser that will show disassemblies, hi-res graphics, and BASIC listings. It is in beta and will be improved in the coming weeks. Option8 is selling Apple IIe card…

Latest in the Apple II World

What’s been going on in the Apple II world these past few days? Let’s take a look:   1.) Steven Weyhrich is asking about the Applesoft Firmware card in comp.sys.apple2 for his upcoming Apple II history book. 2.) The Daily Apple blog has been keeping up with daily updates. Currently we are working on Pascal and BASIC programming, and trying to use the Apple IIc as a command-line terminal. 3.) Wade Clarke has started a new web site called Wade-Memoir where he…

David Schmenk Releases PLASMA Assembler for Apple ][

David Schmenk has released his new Proto Language ASsembler for Apple or PLASMA for short.   This latest language release is the second for the creator of Java for the Apple ][. According to the introduction on David’s website, “PLASMA is a combination of virtual machine and assembler/compiler matched closely to the 6502 architecture.  It is an attempt to satisfy a few challenges surrounding code size, efficient execution, small runtime and fast just-in-time compilation.  By architecting a unique bytecode that maps…