Virtual II 10.4 Released

Gerard Putter has announced the release of the latest version of his Virtual II Apple II Emulator. The latest release, Virtual II version 10.4, includes a number of fixes and improvements including:

  • Improved the appearance and behavior of the main window toolbar.
  • Created an option to save screen snapshots with an 8-pixel black border.
  • Previously, some keys repeated when held down and some didn’t. This has been solved: all keys now repeat.
  • Fixed a number of bugs and memory leaks.

Virtual II is a highly developed shareware Apple II emulator for which the full license costs $44.00 and is available through the Virtual II store. The full package includes Epson FX-80 and ImageWriter II printer emulation which allows printing from the emulator to PDF format files. Full WOZ format support is also included.

Where to get the program

For those users who have previously purchased the Virtual II emulator, the version 10.4 upgrade is a free download and is available at:

Author: A.P.P.L.E.
The A.P.P.L.E. Website is run by the Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange Users Group and is open to all Apple and Macintosh fans and their friends.