New iPhone5 Beta Test Scam Hits Cell Phones

A user on the Apple Support Community, xUSR, reported that he received the following message today on his cell phone: “Apple needs iPhone5 testers:The first 1000 users who visit and enter code 1000 will get to test & keep the new iPhone5.”  The message came from a phone number at 703.609.7910.  Obviously a scam, the user reported it to AT&T, however, he was told by them to contact Apple Inc.

Users should remember that Apple does not “Beta Test” anything in a public manner and certainly does not send unsolicited emails calling form “Beta Testers”.  If you do receive such an email, your best bet is to just delete the email.  Definitely do not reply to it as it is an attempt by scammers to garner information from you.  This type of email is prevalent anytime there is a new product being released by Apple and can come through the phone, Facebook, Twitter, or any other social medium including your personal email.

Author: A.P.P.L.E.
The A.P.P.L.E. Website is run by the Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange Users Group and is open to all Apple and Macintosh fans and their friends.