PunyInform v.5.4 Released

from Fredrik Ramsberg:

PunyInform v5.4 is out! https://github.com/johanberntsson/PunyInform/releases

  • TAKE ALL will now also take animate objects which you can take
  • talk_menu has shorter versions of the strings to describe the options to end the conversation and show the next page of topics, for screens with less than 40 columns. They’re actually adapted to the smallest screen size on any Ozmoo platform, the 20×15 mode of the Commander X16.

So, this is quite minor update to PunyInform. This also means it’s very easy to upgrade, and nothing much can go wrong.

Author: A.P.P.L.E.
The A.P.P.L.E. Website is run by the Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange Users Group and is open to all Apple and Macintosh fans and their friends.